
How To Get Rid Of Black Bugs On Succulents

By RabinsXP Team

May 03, 2023

Photo from Pexels

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It is no secret that succulents fight a variety of pests and diseases. Among these are black bugs on succulents. Due to a humid environment, overwatering, poor light conditions, and clogged soil mixture, your succulent might be a poor target of black bugs.

Types Of Black Bugs On Succulents

#1. Aphids

This is a soft-bodied sap-sucking insect known as plant louse, greenfly, blackfly, or ant cow. Aphids will most likely appear in colonies. The best way to identify these black bugs on succulents is by checking for two tailpipes at the bottom of the abdomen. Since aphids are known to be sap-sucking, your succulent will most likely get deformed, and experience leaves discoloration.

Treatment: You may use different treatments to remove aphids from your succulents. Among the most common ones are using isopropyl alcohol, insecticidal soap, or oils. Dissolve your chosen treatment into a gallon of water and spray it on the infected area only. Once you notice colonies of aphids infecting your succulent, check underneath the leaves, as most aphids hide there.

More about aphids on succulents >>

#2. Ants

By themselves, ants do not infect your succulents. Ants are black bugs on succulents, commonly seen as a sign that pests might infect your plant. Pests to watch out for are mealybugs, aphids, and scales. These pests often secrete a honey-like substance that attracts ants.

Treatment: You may use borax-based ant baits to eliminate ants on your succulents. Isolate your succulent with ants and then place the baits near the base of your succulent to remove any ants from the body of your succulent. As a prevention, you may use an ant powder around your succulent pot to add a barrier.

More about ants in succulents >>

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#3. Sciarid flies/ Fungus gnats

In appearance, sciarid flies looked like fruit flies or tiny worm-like larvae. These little grey or black bugs on succulents are also known as fungus gnats. Sciarid flies are attracted to moist environments, making overwatered succulents a target for their infestation. They feed on fungi, algae, and plant roots.

Treatment: Among the most natural way to treat sciarid flies on succulents is to use apple cider vinegar. Trap the black bugs on succulents by putting a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a plastic cup and adding a couple of drops of dishwashing soap. Cover the cup with a plastic bag and poke a hole. The smell of apple cider vinegar will attract the fungus gnats, and the dishwashing soap will weigh them down, making it hard for them to escape. Well-draining soil and avoiding root rot are the most effective ways to prevent sciarid flies from infesting succulents.

More about gnats on succulents >>

#4. Hemiptera bugs

This type of black bug on succulents is commonly known as an actual bug. True bugs include plant bugs, stink bugs, shield bugs, and water bugs. Hemiptera bugs are minor, possibly wingless, or have forewings, hardened at the base and membranous at the tips. In terms of color, Hemiptera bugs are brown, orange-red, and black.

Treatment: If you notice any pale patches on the upper leaf surface of your succulents, it is most likely that Hemiptera bugs will infest them. Most true bugs feed on plants by extracting sap. Avoid overwatering to prevent having Hemiptera bugs on your succulents.

Final Words

Taking good care of succulents might be a never-ending battle. Understanding the different types, treatments, and prevention of having black bugs on succulents is a great way to keep your plant safe. Please pay attention to any physical changes in your plants as they might be a symptom of pests or diseases.

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