What is a DDOS attack? How to know and survive?

What is a DDOS attack? How to know and survive?

Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) is an attack in which a cyber criminal infects various devices in the network and attacks the servers that provide services using the same device.

Due to this, the intended service cannot be provided from that server. DDOS attacks are generally of three types: volume-based, protocol, and application.

Some of the key DDOS attacks from cybercriminals include the Amazon Web Services in 2020, the Google attack in 2017, the GitHub attack in 2018, the Mirai Dan attack in 2016, the Cloud Flare attack in 2014, the Spamhouse attack in 2013, and the Six Bank attack in 2012. Should.

How does a distributed denial of service work?

Cybercriminals use DDoS attacks by sending pocket floods to targeted websites, networks and servers using botnets, or millions of remote-controlled computers or bots. Pocket flood attacks are mainly of this type.

  1. Network Layers: Smurf Attack, ICMP Folds and IP / ICMC Fragmentation
  2. Transport Layer: TCP Attack, SYN Floods, UDF Floods and TCP Connection Exhaustion
  3. Application Layer: HTTP Encrypted Attack

When sending a pocket flood in this way, all the resources of the server will be busy to respond to it, so the server may crash. Due to which the service cannot be provided as per the objective.

How do I know if a DDOS attack has occurred?

A DDOS attack may occur if the following symptoms persist on the user’s computer and network.

  • Delay in file access locally or remotely.
  • Do not open any special website for a long time.
  • Internet service is frequently blocked.
  • Do not open any website.
  • Receive a lot of spam emails.

How to avoid DDOS attack?

१. Let each organization conduct an information security audit to identify security vulnerabilities in its network and server.

२. Remove security vulnerabilities as soon as possible.

३. Control the bandwidth of the DNS server to prevent DDOS attacks.

४. Regularly update the router and network firewall with new security patches.

५. Let’s monitor network traffic regularly.

६. Use TUTM / Next Generation Advanced Firewall / Intrusion detection systems (IDS) / Intrusion Prevention systems to prevent malicious traffic.

७. Let’s remove the default password and keep the strong password on the devices connected to the network.

८. Let’s follow Best Practices Security Policy and Cyber ​​Hygiene while configuring the router.

९. Let’s adopt zero trust security model.

१०. Let’s prepare Business Continuity Plan, Disaster Recovery and Emergency Response Plan including DDOS Response Battle Plan.

११. If you notice a DDOS attack on your network or server, immediately inform the Internet service provider and take the initiative to resolve the issue.

१२. Let’s also put another internet link in the backoff for the critical server availability of the network.


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Rabins Sharma Lamichhane

Rabins Sharma Lamichhane is senior ICT professional who talks about #it, #cloud, #servers, #software, and #innovation. Rabins is also the first initiator of Digital Nepal. Facebook: rabinsxp Instagram: rabinsxp

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