Economics / Money

Java Multiple Inheritance: Program Implementation

By Rabins Sharma Lamichhane

June 11, 2017

Write a program to implement the following Multiple Inheritance: Class Student Name, roll_no Mark 1, Mark2

Interface: Exam Percent_cal( )

Class: Result Display( )

import java.lang.*; import*; interface Exam { void percent_cal(); } class Student { String name; int roll_no,mark1,mark2; Student(String n, int r, int m1, int m2) { name=n; roll_no=r; mark1=m1; mark2=m2; } void display() { System.out.println ("Name of Student: "+name); System.out.println ("Roll No. of Student: "+roll_no); System.out.println ("Marks of Subject 1: "+mark1); System.out.println ("Marks of Subject 2: "+mark2); } } class Result extends Student implements Exam { Result(String n, int r, int m1, int m2) { super(n,r,m1,m2); } public void percent_cal() { int total=(mark1+mark2); float percent=total*100/200; System.out.println ("Percentage: "+percent+"%"); } void display() { super.display(); } } class q10Multiple { public static void main(String args[]) { Result R = new Result("",12,93,84); R.display(); R.percent_cal(); } }


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