RabinsXP The First Internet of Things (IoT) Website of Nepal

तपाईंले किन प्रयोग गर्ने डार्क मोड ?

Why do you use dark mode?

Kathmandu. Lately, dark mode has started to be available in most of the web and mobile apps. Some applications have made dark mode by default. Some people keep it as an option. Generally speaking,...

के तपाईंलाई साँच्चै १०० इन्चको टिभी चाहिन्छ ?

Do you really need a 100 inch TV?

Kathmandu. There are different sizes of televisions available in the market now. You can choose the size of the television you want according to your budget and needs. Recently, the trend of watching television...

यसरी परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस् आफ्नो ह्वाट्सएप नम्बर ?

How to change your WhatsApp number?

Kathmandu. You may need to change your phone number for various reasons. In such a situation, there is a dilemma as to what to do with the WhatsApp chat on the old number. However,...

जसले बनाए दिवङ्गत बुबाको एआई च्याटबट…

Who made the late father's AI chatbot…

Kathmandu. It is about 2016. James Vlahos from Oakland, California, USA, received the news that his father was suffering from terminal cancer. “I loved my dad so much,” James told the BBC, “I was...

ह्याकरसँग लिएको त्यो १० रुपैयाँ…

The 10 rupees taken from the hacker…

I am currently working as Offensive Security Lead in Innovate Nepal Group (ING). Usually my work is secretive and sensitive like a movie. An incident that I experienced during the same work, which taught...