Search Engine Optimization – What is It?

By Rabins Sharma Lamichhane

March 12, 2021

You’ve probably heard the term Search Engine Optimization hundreds of times. But what the heck is this mysterious force?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is simply techniques, tricks and methods to get your web pages ranked high in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and others. It’s not easy to get and keep your sites ranked high, because search engines constantly change the way pages get ranked (called algorithms).

Search engines use various factors to determine how high a page will rank. SEO algorithms can be so different that a website that ranks #1 on Google could rank #200 on a different search engine. It can take as little as a day or so to as much as a few weeks to get a page ranked. Once you learn good SEO techniques, you can rank very fast.

The basic building blocks for good SEO results are called “keywords”. Keywords are simply words or phrases that someone types into a search engine. For example, let’s say I was looking for a good cheesecake recipe. I would type in words or phrases like “cheesecake recipes” or “strawberry cheesecakes”. These words would then return results based on what was found. There are many methods for creating good keyword lists, and I’ll discuss them in a future article.

After a user types in a keyword, the search engine “spiders” then “crawl” the World Wide Web looking for all the web pages that contain those keywords. This is where SEO comes into play. As a marketer, you want your web page “optimized” for the keyword so that your site gets ranked higher than your competition’s so you can get more visitors. Most people don’t look past page 1 or 2 on the results before they make a decision to click a link and visit a web page. Usually, the answer to their problem will be found on the first page or so. So if you use good SEO methods, more visitors will see your page, and more visitors equals more sales!

There are tons of resources available on the internet on the topic of SEO. Just use your favorite browser and search engine and you’ll be amazed at the results! With a little time and effort, you can become good at SEO and get any site ranked high in just a matter of hours!

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