Telecommunication Authority directive to provide uninterrupted internet

Kathmandu. The Nepal Telecommunication Authority has instructed the internet service providers to provide reliable and quality internet service to the consumers. On Friday, issuing a press release, the regulatory authority has warned that service providers who do not provide services will be punished according to the Telecommunications Act, 2053.

The authority says that after the internet service of some internet service providers was disrupted on Thursday, they coordinated and restored the internet service within a short time. The authority has also refuted the published news that the Internet service was disrupted because it did not recommend foreign currency payment for bandwidth purchase.

“There is a provision that service providers have to pay 4 percent royalty and 2 percent rural telecommunication development fund amount on the total annual income for providing services, but most of the service providers are taking the facilitation facilities such as foreign currency recommendation from the authority without paying the amount required to be paid according to the rules,” the statement reads. .

However, the limited service providers have repeatedly requested the authority to pay their arrears over the years, but the remaining arrears have not been paid under various pretexts, according to the authority. In such a situation, foreign currency cannot be recommended and as the matter is pending in the honorable Supreme Court, the irresponsible disruption of an essential service like telecommunication cannot be taken as a matter of course, the authority has mentioned.

Last Updated: Baisakh 21, 2081 18:30


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Rabins Sharma Lamichhane

Rabins Sharma Lamichhane is senior ICT professional who talks about #it, #cloud, #servers, #software, and #innovation. Rabins is also the first initiator of Digital Nepal. Facebook: rabinsxp Instagram: rabinsxp

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